January 13, 2021

VIDEO: Auchincloss: “With This Vote, We Strike A Blow For Moral Leadership”


Washington, D.C. - Today, ahead of the historic vote in the House, Congressman Jake Auchincloss (D, MA-04) made his first floor speech calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. Congressman Auchincloss is an original co-sponsor of the article of impeachment being offered today. 

Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fAUhGZhsZg 

Remarks As Delivered: 

“Madam Chair, a mob desecrated our Capitol, killed a police officer and attempted to overthrow our government on the orders of the President of the United States. Immediate impeachment is our duty under a Constitution that compels us to defend against enemies foreign and domestic.

“As a Marine officer, I defended our democracy from foreign enemies. As a Member of Congress, I am solemnly resolved to defend it from domestic ones. With this vote, we strike a blow for moral leadership.

“I yield back.”

