July 08, 2021

RELEASE: Auchincloss Sends Letter to Biden on Vaccine Diplomacy


RELEASE: Auchincloss Sends Letter to Biden on Vaccine Diplomacy  

Letter calls for an update from the Administration on efforts to vaccinate the global community. 

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, Congressman Jake Auchincloss (D, MA-04) sent a letter to President Biden requesting an update on the Administration’s efforts to invest the significant funding included as part of the American Rescue Plan meant to reestablish the United States as an international leader in the fight to end the COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier this year, Auchincloss published an oped calling to the United States to create a “Marshall Plan for Vaccines.”  

In the letter Auchincloss writes, “The American Rescue Plan Act authorized your Administration to make significant investments in international relief: $7.5 billion in funding for the CDC to support vaccine-related activities to prepare, promote, distribute, administer, monitor, and track COVID-19 vaccines and $6.05 billion in funding for HHS to support research, development, manufacturing, production, and purchase of vaccines, therapeutics, and ancillary medical products. Further, the bill provided $10 billion to enable the President to use the authorities of the Defense Production Act to purchase, manufacture, and distribute critically needed medical supplies and equipment...I am gravely concerned that this funding is not being expeditiously distributed for its authorized uses. It has been over three months since you signed this historic bill, and in the months since, we have seen glimmers of a return to normal. However, this progress will not continue if the virus continues to mutate and ravage our international neighbors.”

A full copy of the letter can be found below. 

July 8, 2021

The Honorable Joseph R. Biden

President of the United States

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Biden:

As you know, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan Act to build back better from the depths of the pandemic – and to re-launch the United States as the world leader in science and public health. On the domestic front, your administration has indeed centered science and public health as we end the pandemic. 

We must act with the same boldness to beat COVID-19, worldwide. In the race between vaccinations and variants, countries are losing ground to new iterations of the COVID-19 virus, including the Delta variant. This is both a humanitarian disaster and a threat to the American recovery, as we cannot be assured that new variants will continue to be addressed by our current vaccines.

The American Rescue Plan Act authorized your Administration to make significant investments in international relief: $7.5 billion in funding for the CDC to support vaccine-related activities to prepare, promote, distribute, administer, monitor, and track COVID-19 vaccines and $6.05 billion in funding for HHS to support research, development, manufacturing, production, and purchase of vaccines, therapeutics, and ancillary medical products. 

Further, the bill provided $10 billion to enable the President to use the authorities of the Defense Production Act to purchase, manufacture, and distribute critically needed medical supplies and equipment. These investments and advanced market commitments will provide the market certainty to ensure that vaccine manufacturers and suppliers dedicate the necessary resources for the United States to provide vaccines for the international community. 

I am gravely concerned that this funding is not being expeditiously distributed for its authorized uses. It has been over three months since you signed this historic bill, and in the months since, we have seen glimmers of a return to normal. However, this progress will not continue if the virus continues to mutate and ravage our international neighbors. 

I look forward to working alongside your Administration to promptly invest these life-saving dollars. In your inaugural address, you spoke to our unique American spirit: restless, bold, and optimistic. I am committed to ensuring we embody these qualities at home and abroad. The American Rescue Plan Act provided the resources for a global recovery, and we must rise to the occasion and exemplify revitalized American moral leadership.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to supporting your Administration and our international partners to end COVID-19.


Jake Auchincloss

Member of Congress 
