February 04, 2022

Congressman denounces Tucker Carlson as a ‘pro-Putin shill’ for supposedly backing Russia over US ally Ukraine

A second Democratic congressman is accusing Fox News’s Tucker Carlson of being in bed with Russia as the tensions between Washington and Moscow over the amassing of military forces near Russia’s border with Ukraine continues.

Rep Jake Auchincloss of Massachusetts made a jab at Carlson on Thursday at a press conference after meeting with fellow House Democrats on the issue of Ukraine, where he told reporters that his party was unified in support for what he called the Biden administration’s “effective and strong diplomacy” on the issue.

That unity, he said, was “in contrast to what we’re hearing from the likes of Tucker Carlson who is acting basically as a pro-Putin shill and who is compounding the tremendous damage done to the US by Trump’s Helsinki performance in 2018”, when the former president met with Vladimir Putin and was sharply criticised for not pressing Mr Putin on the disinformation campaign that sought to undermine Mr Trump’s 2016 opponent, Hillary Clinton.

His remarks followed similar comments from Congressman Tom Malinowski of New Jersey, who asserted that his office was being flooded with calls from viewers of Carlson taking the side of Russia as it claims its government has no plans to invade Ukraine.



John Bowden